Wednesday, November 2, 2011

superhero project

The superhero ability in the image is walking on water.  The image on the right and the middle both show the same footstep (right foot in the water).  The sizes of the puddle show the progression of time from one photo to the next.  The picture on the left shows the next footstep (left foot in the water).  The progression of time can also be seen from the moving of the cape and the lighter to darker shades of the water.

To put this project together I made Keith run around outside and took a bunch of pictures of him moving.  Then we went to a park with a river and I took pictures of the water after dropping a stick in to get the splash images.  I used the magnetic lasso tool to place Keith in the water and erased parts of his shoe in the middle and left side pictures.  Parts of the shoe were erased to take away some of the floating-ness.

I suspected a lot of people would do their projects on either invisibility or flying, so I chose walking on water to be different.  In real life though if I could have a power it would be to fly!

Special thanks to Keith for being the subject in these photos.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Project 2: Favorite things

The previous post describes why I chose these pictures and the text written near each.

I tried for the most part to arrange the images in a way that makes sense/ intending to create a scene rather than a bunch of images just set on a page.

The tools that were used in photoshop included the magnetic lasso to grab an image separately from its original backdrop.  Then I used the eraser tool on some pictures that I wasn't able to grab as cleanly.  After arranging the pictures the way I wanted, I added in text by the pictures.

I didn't want the text to overpower the pictures.  I chose to make most of the text blend into whatever their background is.  I know it might make it difficult to see what the text for each picture is, especially when the picture is small, but I chose to make it like a game where you had to search for the hidden clues by the objects.  I love playing games and doing things like hidden pictures in highlights magazines in waiting rooms.

My family is very close and with having so many siblings life is always interesting, especially as we get older and our family expands with new in-laws and kids. Keith (my fiance) is a goofball.  I couldn't think of a good picture to pick for adding him in and he reminded me of the palm tree picture, which I think worked out perfectly.  I didn't actually take any new pictures for this project.  The things that are most important to me I already had a lot of pictures to choose from.  It would be really cool if this picture was real and I could go to an island and just relax with my fam and keith on the beach for a while!

10 favorite things

The 10 objects I put into my art project are listed here with explanations for why I chose them and a one to two word summary title for each!
1.       My Fiance (Keith)
Keith and I have been together for almost 4 years, he’s obviously a huge part of my life.  He knows just about everything about me.  Over the summer I went to Hawaii with him and his family.  We found this uprooted palm tree on the beach in maui.  I thought it fit in perfectly with the rest of the picture!

Someone to Laugh with
2.       Family Portrait
I have 4 brother and 3 sisters.  I’m the fifth kid.  My family is all pretty close and especially being one of the true middle kids I feel pretty connected to all my siblings.  We’ve all got each other’s backs.

Support System

3.       My three nephews
I have always loved little kids.  This picture is of Joey, Mikey, and little George.  I don’t get to see these guys as often as I would like, but I am usually one of the bigger baby hogs when I do get to see them.  I think it’s awesome how they’re always learning new things.  Joey is learning to talk now and Mikey and George are just finding out they have fingers.  Everything is new for them.

New Exploration
4.       Camp fire
I really like going camping.  This picture is from the last time I went camping, almost a year ago.
Sitting around the campfire with everyone you came with after hiking, swimming, and fishing is one of the best parts.  The conversations around camp fires are some of the best.

Good Company

5.       American Flag
I chose an American flag because I’m happy to be an American.  This is home.  I really like traveling to different states.  There is such diversity just in types of land and weather patterns in the U.S.  I hope I make it to all 50 states eventually!


6.       Max (my puppy)
Keith and I got Max almost 2 years ago.  He was a really cute puppy and is a really funny dog.  He used to constantly cry when I went to class so eventually we had to have Keith’s parents take care of him.  After we get married and have a house we’re going to take him back.  He had separation anxiety but now that he lives with other dogs he is calm.  He’s always teasing the other dogs and looking for someone or something to play with.

Attention Seeker
7.       Bonnie (our family dog)
We got Bonnie right before I started 6th grade.  She mostly is just concerned with begging for treats and getting fed meals; I guess like most dogs.  She has 3 beds around the house and usually is sleeping in one of those.  She’s kind of lazy but loves taking walks when someone offers.

Eat & Sleep
8.       Rose
My dad always gets me a rose for my birthday.  I think this picture is from my 17th birthday.  Red roses are my favorite kind of flower.  I like how they look when they’re new like this, before they start to fan out and the edges of the petals start to curl back.  Roses remind me of my birthday and transitioning to another year.

9.       Pizza
I don’t really have a favorite food because I’m kind of picky about what I feel like having each day.  Dinner is my favorite meal of the day though, and pizza is one of the easiest most delicious meals.  Even though pizza is the same basic ingredients between companies, each has a different taste.
10.   The beach
I love spending time on the beach and just hanging out.  Vacations to the ocean are my favorite.  The sand here is Waikiki beach, and the rest of the background is the Kauai shore.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Micro-project 1 statement

My art piece shows some of the landmarks I see on my Wednesday walks to class. The picture on the right is of the CVS at the intersection of Lane and High.  My apartment is near there and this represents the start of the journey.

The picture near the top is of the Jessie Owens work out area.  The picture is taken around where Curl and Neil intersect.  I chose this picture because it is probably about the halfway point of the trip and I liked how the leaves and tree were included in the picture.  It showed a big change from the CVS picture.  On campus and off campus have an extremely different look and feel to them, and that was what I was trying to capture between those two pictures.

The picture on the left is of the last stretch of the walk.  The stadium is visible in the picture.  I picked this picture to show the end of the walk, and to show that the campus area can have a high amounts of traffic too.  Ohio State is big, but from looking at the middle picture, it doesn’t look highly populated.
The map and path I walk are shown in the center and the shoe prints are of my actual pair of tennis shoes that I usually wear to class.

Finally, there is a picture of a sidewalk on the bottom portion.  This represents that while I’m busy walking to class I spend a lot of time looking more at the ground I’m walking on than up where there are buildings and sky to see.  Walks to class are better in fall because you can look for the crunchy looking leaves to step on.

The text on the sidewalk is meant to look like writing on the sidewalk.  There are advertisements all around the campus sidewalks trying to get people to come to club meetings or events; this is an invite to ArtEd 252 class!

My walk to class

My walk to class is different depending on the day of the week.  On Mondays I usually get driven part way to class and take a bus over to the rpac and walk over to the stadium.  On Wednesdays though, I walk the whole way to class.

I miss out on a lot on my way to class.  A lot of times I wait around until the last second to leave for class and the walk over is more of a speed walk and all I’m thinking about is the goal of getting to class on time.  I check my phone a bunch of times to see how many more minutes I have until class starts and adjust my pace based on that.

Since I am goal set on hurrying to class I don’t get to walk slowly and think about what is around me.  There are a lot of buildings on campus that I’ve walked past probably a hundred times and never have really looked at them.  The thing I am able to notice most on the walk is the outside fresh air.  No matter how big of a hurry I’m in I notice the difference of the free air on my face as opposed to the still/non-moving air indoors.  I notice the temperature of the air and the smells of cars, construction, and fresh cut grass.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Wexner visit "Sea World"

A second piece I saw at the Wexner that interested me enough to write a blog about was titled Sea World and was created by Alexis Rockman.  It is a painting he made in 2004.
When I first looked at the piece my eyes went to the girl that is feeding the weird looking whale mixed with something else.  Then I looked at the beach ball in the top of the screen and the other trainer that is on top of one of the other sea animals.  It took me a second to notice that there were abnormal features in the picture.
The denotations of the painting are that it looks like a sea world type setting with a large pool of water with animals in the tank that do not exist in real life.  The animals seem to be cross-breeded species, but the humans in the picture look normal.
The connotations come from understanding why the artist chose to make the animals look like cross-species.  From reading about the artist I gathered that he is interested in humankind’s manipulation of species and genetic engineering.
Rockman’s big idea was showing his concerns for how our future may look on earth.  Several of his other paintings also showed half naturist entities, and half worldly entities.  What I mean by worldly entities are things that we see everyday that are manmade; things like litter, and objects that destroy nature (an airplane engine killing birds was painted in another art piece).  Rockman showed the clash in his paintings of how nature and manmade objects fit together.