Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My walk to class

My walk to class is different depending on the day of the week.  On Mondays I usually get driven part way to class and take a bus over to the rpac and walk over to the stadium.  On Wednesdays though, I walk the whole way to class.

I miss out on a lot on my way to class.  A lot of times I wait around until the last second to leave for class and the walk over is more of a speed walk and all I’m thinking about is the goal of getting to class on time.  I check my phone a bunch of times to see how many more minutes I have until class starts and adjust my pace based on that.

Since I am goal set on hurrying to class I don’t get to walk slowly and think about what is around me.  There are a lot of buildings on campus that I’ve walked past probably a hundred times and never have really looked at them.  The thing I am able to notice most on the walk is the outside fresh air.  No matter how big of a hurry I’m in I notice the difference of the free air on my face as opposed to the still/non-moving air indoors.  I notice the temperature of the air and the smells of cars, construction, and fresh cut grass.

1 comment:

  1. Nice observations about your journey. I think the "adjusting your pace" according the time is interesting and might make a cool project.
