Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Micro-project 1 statement

My art piece shows some of the landmarks I see on my Wednesday walks to class. The picture on the right is of the CVS at the intersection of Lane and High.  My apartment is near there and this represents the start of the journey.

The picture near the top is of the Jessie Owens work out area.  The picture is taken around where Curl and Neil intersect.  I chose this picture because it is probably about the halfway point of the trip and I liked how the leaves and tree were included in the picture.  It showed a big change from the CVS picture.  On campus and off campus have an extremely different look and feel to them, and that was what I was trying to capture between those two pictures.

The picture on the left is of the last stretch of the walk.  The stadium is visible in the picture.  I picked this picture to show the end of the walk, and to show that the campus area can have a high amounts of traffic too.  Ohio State is big, but from looking at the middle picture, it doesn’t look highly populated.
The map and path I walk are shown in the center and the shoe prints are of my actual pair of tennis shoes that I usually wear to class.

Finally, there is a picture of a sidewalk on the bottom portion.  This represents that while I’m busy walking to class I spend a lot of time looking more at the ground I’m walking on than up where there are buildings and sky to see.  Walks to class are better in fall because you can look for the crunchy looking leaves to step on.

The text on the sidewalk is meant to look like writing on the sidewalk.  There are advertisements all around the campus sidewalks trying to get people to come to club meetings or events; this is an invite to ArtEd 252 class!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice explanation Gloria. I'm glad we got this worked out.
