Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10 favorite things

The 10 objects I put into my art project are listed here with explanations for why I chose them and a one to two word summary title for each!
1.       My Fiance (Keith)
Keith and I have been together for almost 4 years, he’s obviously a huge part of my life.  He knows just about everything about me.  Over the summer I went to Hawaii with him and his family.  We found this uprooted palm tree on the beach in maui.  I thought it fit in perfectly with the rest of the picture!

Someone to Laugh with
2.       Family Portrait
I have 4 brother and 3 sisters.  I’m the fifth kid.  My family is all pretty close and especially being one of the true middle kids I feel pretty connected to all my siblings.  We’ve all got each other’s backs.

Support System

3.       My three nephews
I have always loved little kids.  This picture is of Joey, Mikey, and little George.  I don’t get to see these guys as often as I would like, but I am usually one of the bigger baby hogs when I do get to see them.  I think it’s awesome how they’re always learning new things.  Joey is learning to talk now and Mikey and George are just finding out they have fingers.  Everything is new for them.

New Exploration
4.       Camp fire
I really like going camping.  This picture is from the last time I went camping, almost a year ago.
Sitting around the campfire with everyone you came with after hiking, swimming, and fishing is one of the best parts.  The conversations around camp fires are some of the best.

Good Company

5.       American Flag
I chose an American flag because I’m happy to be an American.  This is home.  I really like traveling to different states.  There is such diversity just in types of land and weather patterns in the U.S.  I hope I make it to all 50 states eventually!


6.       Max (my puppy)
Keith and I got Max almost 2 years ago.  He was a really cute puppy and is a really funny dog.  He used to constantly cry when I went to class so eventually we had to have Keith’s parents take care of him.  After we get married and have a house we’re going to take him back.  He had separation anxiety but now that he lives with other dogs he is calm.  He’s always teasing the other dogs and looking for someone or something to play with.

Attention Seeker
7.       Bonnie (our family dog)
We got Bonnie right before I started 6th grade.  She mostly is just concerned with begging for treats and getting fed meals; I guess like most dogs.  She has 3 beds around the house and usually is sleeping in one of those.  She’s kind of lazy but loves taking walks when someone offers.

Eat & Sleep
8.       Rose
My dad always gets me a rose for my birthday.  I think this picture is from my 17th birthday.  Red roses are my favorite kind of flower.  I like how they look when they’re new like this, before they start to fan out and the edges of the petals start to curl back.  Roses remind me of my birthday and transitioning to another year.

9.       Pizza
I don’t really have a favorite food because I’m kind of picky about what I feel like having each day.  Dinner is my favorite meal of the day though, and pizza is one of the easiest most delicious meals.  Even though pizza is the same basic ingredients between companies, each has a different taste.
10.   The beach
I love spending time on the beach and just hanging out.  Vacations to the ocean are my favorite.  The sand here is Waikiki beach, and the rest of the background is the Kauai shore.


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